To taste the colors. How many times have we heard that phrase … At home, among friends, at work, everywhere. It is an expression that comes from the Latin adage “gustibus non disputadum” that underlined the uselessness of fighting over one’s preferences. A wise phrase that we use to show that we do not all have the same tastes and that no one can impose theirs.

How many colors are there? At first there were seven, which are the ones that make up the rainbow, but science has been in charge of showing that there are hundreds of colors. And there are hundreds because the mixture between the primary colors (red, blue and green) makes it so.


The importance of color

After this little introduction of association with colors we are going to focus on how it can affect our business or brand.

Transmitting the correct message of your logo is not easy. We make a logo thinking of a specific shape, a special font and a good composition, but we must not forget the color. In fact, it is so important that we can consider it as the main marketing tool. Without a doubt, the color and its treatment are basic. We have to work hard so that it manages to awaken concrete emotions in the public. Depending on the color you use, you will get one or the other. It is as simple as that through color you can obtain the action that benefits your brand.

The color goes directly to our subconscious part and activates certain parameters that we cannot control but that work and are really effective. Colors in marketing help improve understanding and reading of our brand, make it recognizable, and influence customer purchasing judgments.

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General associations of colors in marketing

Did you know that each of them is associated with different feelings and emotions? These would be some clear examples of association of some colors.

RED: Color that powerfully draws attention and precisely that is its intention. The color red is associated with passion, appetite, intensity, fire, etc … It is constantly used to get our attention. Many of the most famous brands on the market carry this color in their logo.
BLUE: Inspires relaxation, tranquility, security, seriousness and confidence. If you notice, many of the banks have this color as the basis of their brand. It is also used frequently in cleaning and sanitary products.
GREEN: It is the color of balance, hope and growth. You can see this color present in places where therapies are performed. Also being the color par excellence of nature you will find it regularly in ecological products.
ORANGE: This color represents joy, vitality, energy and optimism. Like the color red is used to get our attention. You will find it in leisure places but also when it symbolizes the color of the sun, you will find it in summer products such as sun creams.
WHITE: It is the color of purity, cleanliness and perfection. In marketing it is usually associated with light and hygiene products.
BLACK: Normally associated with sadness but in marketing it has a totally different meaning. It represents elegance, luxury, seduction and sobriety, that is why we can find it in high quality products, for example “gourmet” products.


Perfecting your brand color

Once we are clear that you need to work on the color for your brand there is another important detail that you should not overlook. We have a color palette with an infinity of secondary colors so that your brand does not have only two or three colors. Take a chance and use it.

In order to exploit the color palette, we are going to give you some simple guidelines that you can apply without any difficulty.

Choose words. First you will have to choose a couple or three of words that identify the emotions you want to convey.
Notebook. Now write down in a notebook the words that we have chosen in the previous point. From there you see creating a concept. It’s like sketching ideas.
Variety of ranges. Try to use a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 color gamuts.
Origin and orientation. The origin of your brand is super important, do not forget to take it into account. Where is your brand located, what audience do you want to address, what products do you sell, etc …
Get more than one palette. Don’t settle for the first thing that comes up, experiment more than once with different shades. In this way you can make comparisons and choose the one that best suits you, your brand deserves it.

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And to finish this article, we advise you to be very clear and take into account the values of your brand. Based on this, you can start making a selection of everything you need to create it and reach the public in the most effective way.

Francesc es el responsable de Content Marketing de Sinapsis. Con más de diez años de dedicación al copywriting ha acumulado una gran experiencia en diversos temas aunque su mayor pasión sigue siendo el marketing online. Friky de corazón, ha encontrado en el SEO una nueva forma de seguir "jugando".