Last Wednesday 16 Google announced that it had already completed the implementation of its December Core Update. A major update to the core search algorithm that started on day 3 and lasted for almost two weeks. Just a few days ago we informed you of its impact in this article.

twitter google fin december core update

Well, it seems that those of Mountain View do not rest because the analysis and monitoring tools of the algorithm variability went crazy at the end of last week, indicating a possible update on Friday 18.

We can see it in the monitoring of the SERPs volatility at SemRush:

actualización algoritmo de google 18.12 semrushr

In RankRanger fluctuations:

actualización algoritmo de google 18.12 rankranger

But, especially, in the monitoring of the volatility of the Google ranking carried out by Cognitive SEO:

actualización algoritmo de google 18.12 cognitive seo

As usual, Google has not commented on this possible update of its search algorithm. But in Sinapsis we have been able to observe its effects on our accounts.


Effects of the update on Sinapsis accounts

On this occasion, 48% of our accounts show an upward trend in their visibility, 25% maintain stable positions; and the remaining 27% show a downward trend. At Sinapsis, although we are quite happy with the results (it is one of the least negative impact updates we have seen) we are already working to counter these effects.

Francesc es el responsable de Content Marketing de Sinapsis. Con más de diez años de dedicación al copywriting ha acumulado una gran experiencia en diversos temas aunque su mayor pasión sigue siendo el marketing online. Friky de corazón, ha encontrado en el SEO una nueva forma de seguir "jugando".