The start of a new year is always a time for reflection and making resolutions about what to do better. The past year brought us big changes to Google’s search algorithm, with several major updates and the implementation of BERT to improve the way the search engine understands user queries.

But what does 2020 hold for us? How are user behavior and expectations changing and what can SEOs do to keep up with Google’s continual adjustment of their algorithm? The only certainty is that 2020 will bring us more changes and we will have to make an effort to adapt. In today’s article we present you the SEO strategies and tactics that will become important this year.

tendencias seo 2020

The power of featured snippets

When developing the best online marketing plan, we focus on what Google is looking for. One of the most coveted places in the entire Google universe is the featured snippet, the featured snippets. These snippets appear at the top of search engine results pages, primarily when the user has asked a particular question or is searching for a definition. Getting our websites to this featured snippet is a lot more difficult than it sounds.

The key to landing this highly coveted location is finding a way to answer common consumer questions with our content. As we develop an inbound marketing strategy, we need to think about what consumers are looking for and how we can help them. Creating blog content that answers common market-related questions is vital when it comes to driving more traffic to our website through Google Featured Snippets.


Optimize the site for voice searches

Until not long ago, users conducted their searches by combining the power of the Google search bar with the keyboard of their computer or smartphone. However, now with the rise of voice-activated technology like Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri, more and more users are using voice commands to perform their Internet searches. Rather than letting the voice search revolution bypass our site, it is time to start optimizing this search method.

In general, searches with voice assistants are done through questions. Therefore, the crux of the matter lies in the use of long-tail keywords in our content.

Provide users with video content

While keyword-rich content writing is still especially relevant, it’s a good idea to focus on other popular types of content. Of all the possibilities, video is one that is gaining more relevance day by day. Video is not just a great way to get a message across in no time. It is also a great way to win leads.

The key is to focus on making unique videos. To create marketing videos it is important to start by developing a script by dedicating all the necessary time to it. The script will help us stay focused on the message of the video. It is also important to offer short and concise videos that avoid boredom for users.


Local search increase

Many SEO experts around the world agree that local search will gain importance over the next five years. The reason is the boom in the use of mobile phones when searching. This evolution of user behavior means that a large number of search terms that previously offered results about businesses, now indicate local results.


User intent

In recent years, Google has made great efforts and invested large amounts in better understanding user intent. And in 2020 it is expected to double its investment. That means this year we will see major new algorithm updates and further advancements in your understanding of user intent using search queries and historical data they have on us, as well as models from other users with similar interests, such as top entries.

tendencias seo 2020

Web performance: faster better

Not only in SEO, in conversion optimization and in online marketing in general, the faster the site goes the better. Google has been and continues to be one of the biggest advocates of computers and mobile devices are just some of the initiatives in recent years.

But, according to experts, web performance is already becoming a prominent part of Google’s algorithm.


Amazon SEO, a new field

Not only is Amazon increasingly competing with Google in terms of ad revenue, it is also competing on the search engine level. And the truth is that Amazon ranks first for users looking for products. This trend will continue to advance and leads us to start worrying about Amazon-specific SEO.

amazon seo

In summary, we can affirm that we face an increasing complexity, but also greater opportunities to differentiate our sites.

Francesc es el responsable de Content Marketing de Sinapsis. Con más de diez años de dedicación al copywriting ha acumulado una gran experiencia en diversos temas aunque su mayor pasión sigue siendo el marketing online. Friky de corazón, ha encontrado en el SEO una nueva forma de seguir "jugando".