In today’s article we will try to provide a series of tricks to overcome the blockage when it comes to writing, since, as marketing professionals it is common in our daily work to find ourselves in the position of having to write, and having to write a lot in addition. Whether it is to write a blog article, a SEO article or the copys of the editorial line of the month.

It is not always easy to face a blank page, either because we do not have the day or because of the difficulty of the subject to be dealt with.

Let’s go there!


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8 techniques for overcoming blockages when writing


Automatic writing

Automatic writing is a trick that consists of writing without really thinking about what you are writing. It seeks to start those mechanisms that help us to weave thoughts, with a blank mind, our brain (fanatic of logic) will be in charge of giving sense to what we are writing.

The Beatles, if those Beatles, used a trick like this to compose their lyrics. When they were blocked, they would start singing what they saw from the window, and that’s how “Drive My Car” was born, for example.


Create mind maps

Another good trick is to be clear about what you want to say, i.e. the topic of the article or copy, and how you are going to do it. With a clear mental structure and knowing what the key points are that you want to write about you will see that everything is easier.


Get rid of the doubts


Let’s be honest, writing is scary. Facing a blank page would scare even the most painted. Not knowing what to say, doubts about your skills or whether someone will be interested in what you write, are a major factor in blocking you. Put aside all these doubts and let yourself write, nobody is born knowing and like everything, the more you write the better it will be. In addition, you can always get information, search text structures and tips in Google, but the important thing is always to write.

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Write something else


It is not uncommon in the marketing world to have to write several articles on various topics or to have an article and social network planning to do. If you’ve got stuck creating one of these things, move on to the next, let the creativity flow back to overcome the blockage and go back to facing what you didn’t know how to overcome before, I promise you, this time you will succeed.


Change of activity


Another great trick is to change your activity, specifically to one that is mechanical and repetitive that frees up your brain and lets it stay calm.

Einstein wrote his 4 most famous physics articles while working in a patent office in Bern, many say he works there because it was monotonous and allowed his head to focus on other subjects. It seems to have worked well for him.


Seek information and inspiration

Searching for information or inspiration in Google for an article or reviewing old copys you have previously written, this can help you overcome that blocking moment you are living. An old idea or new information are great catalysts for thought and will allow you to keep moving forward in your work.


Changing focus or perspective


Sometimes we try to write a copy or an article from a certain point of view or from a certain structure and we do not manage to move forward. Sometimes the easiest thing to do is to give it another point of view or focus or to write the copy in a different way, exposing the ideas in a different order.



Tell what you are writing


Has it ever happened to you that when you verbalize a problem, all of a sudden, you see it clearly? Well, this is what we are proposing here. Imagine talking to someone about the topic you are writing about or telling a co-worker about it. By posing it as a conversation you can see what points you are missing and what things you are missing from the article and add them.

These are our proposals to overcome the blockage, what techniques do you use? Do you use any of them? Do you use any that are not on the list? Don’t hesitate and tell us.

Iñaki forma parte del equipo de marketing aquí en Sinapsis. Es un curioso del marketing, le gusta analizar los por qués, las reacciones y generar engagement. Tiene un estilo desenfadado y le gusta tener un tono cercano en las cuentas sociales que gestiona.