By now we all know the function of the hashtag: it helps to filter content through the magma of social networks. By clicking on it, we uncover “the box of content” which also includes the hashtag we wrote and vice versa.

If we want our content to be part of that same list, all we have to do is include the hashtag and it will be easier for the topic we are dealing with to appear in searches.


The usefulness of the hashtag in marketing

It is also worth remembering the main uses of the hashtag in marketing:

  • It provides information on a specific topic: by entering the hashtag in the search engine, we have access to the comments that interest us.
  • It achieves greater reach: hashtags can help us reach users who, without being our followers, are interested in a common topic.
  • It increases interaction: the hashtag makes the conversation about the same topic more fluid, hence the famous Trending Topics.
  • It favours monitoring: hashtags help to keep track of what people are saying about us, the products or services we offer, etc.


Consiguiendo el hashtag perfecto

Una cosa es crear un hashtag, y otra diferente es que sea bueno. A la selección de palabras clave con la correspondiente almohadilla, hay que sumarle más cosas:

  • Hashtag fácil de entender y memorizar: conviene que ocupe poco espacio y que no produzca pereza leerlo.
  • Investigación previa del mercado: observar las tendencias. Hay que buscar las palabras clave relacionadas con el tema de la publicación que queremos hacer en la red social, incluyendo el hashtag. Convendrá comprobar si está desfasado, si hay muchos resultados, si los contenidos que aparecen están en consonancia con lo que queremos compartir…
  • Creatividad: crear un hashtag específico propio para nuestra marca, que sea único, inconfundible y que tenga estilo.


Getting the perfect hashtag

It’s one thing to create a hashtag, it’s another to make it a good one. In addition to the selection of keywords with the corresponding hashtag, you have to add more things:

  • Hashtag that is easy to understand and memorise: it should take up little space and not be lazy to read.
  • Prior market research: observe trends. Search for keywords related to the topic of the publication you want to make on the social network, including the hashtag. You should check if it is out of date, if there are many results, if the contents that appear are in line with what you want to share…
  • Creativity: create a specific hashtag for your brand that is unique, unmistakable and stylish.


The use of hashtags on YouTube

Hashtags are used on YouTube both in the title of videos and in the descriptions. It is worth noting that just below the video, and above the title, you can see the three hashtags of the content indicating the categories of the content. Clicking on one of them displays the videos tagged with that category.


Hashtags on LinkedIn

Including hashtags in posts, LinkedIn articles and messages makes it easier to filter by topic and helps to achieve a greater reach. In this way, you raise awareness of your brand, products and services.  But here, too, hashtags should be used sparingly. 


Twitter and hashtags

The power of hashtags on Twitter is such that they can become Trends. Using one or two hashtags in your tweets is almost obligatory in order to achieve greater visibility and dissemination. It is also advisable to consult the daily trending topics and the hashtags of the special days of the sector to which you belong, in order to add one of them together with your own to your publication.


Facebook and its relationship with hashtags

Using one to two hashtags per post on Facebook can help give posts a boost and a greater reach. Using hashtags for sweepstakes, polls and special days is a wise choice if they are not abused in number. 


Hashtags on TikTok

As the descriptions of these videos allow very few characters, the hashtags in TikTok are very useful. When the user types hashtags, TikTok itself informs the user how many times the hashtag being typed is being used. TikTok’s Trending Topics have a duration of several days, so it is worth paying attention to this section.

And you, are you a fan of hashtags? Remember that the famous “less is more” is also true in this case.




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