The world of online business is a constantly evolving sector. From digital marketing to web development, they are elements that do not stop changing, adapting to new technologies and user needs. And at Somos Sinapsis, as an entity, we have not been able to escape this need for change either. A change that after almost ten years, was already necessary.

A strange phase dominated by Covid, confinement and remote work has been combined with a stage of continuous growth that has led us to form a team that already exceeds 30 people. We needed a place that was more comfortable for us but also, obviously, for our client.

Therefore, we have not limited ourselves to a simple change of location. We have also made changes at an organizational level, seeking an identity for each of the lines that define our work. Organizing all our services within these new lines to which we have provided a new nomenclature and a new identity at the image level. In this way, we have created the Marketing, Develop and Visual lines.

The Marketing block includes everything related to obtaining traffic, increasing visibility, analytical communication, customer service. In short, everything that the dictionary defines as marketing.

In Develop, we obviously find all the technical management, technical development, etc. Aspects in which we are very strong.

we're sinapsis

And finally, we have the Visual part. Surely, the line that we have renewed the most and in which we have reinvented ourselves the most. Getting Sinapsis to become a very high level creative agency that not only includes everything related to graphic design. We also talk about usability, photography and video. Having its own equipment, material and studio, worthy of a video production company and a photography production company.

It is not only a very important change for us, it is also a competitive advantage. Since having these visual resources within our reach means having the necessary means to create everything from product photographs to videos and spots that fuel marketing campaigns.

we're sinapsis

And now that?

We will have to see what the future holds for us and where we continue. Our intention is to continue in our line, continue as a 360 supplier but with these renewed ideas that make us stronger, specializing and, in turn, opening up to other horizons.

In fact, in essence, we are the same. We continue with the same philosophy, the same concept and the same methodology. So we will continue the same…, but better.

Con 20 años de experiencia en la promoción de negocios y planificación de estrategia de marca en Internet, dedicado especialmente a la parte de dirección de proyectos y equipos. Ha centrado su carrera en liderar equipos multidisciplinares dedicados al Marketing Online y el desarrollo de negocios en Internet, la consultoría estratégica y su dirección táctica. Le apasiona el campo de la formación, tanto a equipos de trabajo, empresas como a formación de tipo académico con experiencia como profesor en varias universidades y escuelas de negocio. Su mayor pasión es correr: es corredor de Ultra Fondo en montaña, parte del equipo de X-Bionic, marca que le esponsoriza desde 2018. Cuando corre el mundo desaparece y todo parece aclararse en su cabeza. Correr durante días, a cotas altas, entre bosques y laderas, para él significa paz, diversión, entrega y profunda satisfacción. Escritor aficionado, le gusta jugar con las palabras para esconder, tras ellas, mensajes ocultos y nuevos significados que, tal vez, hagan aflorar algún sentimiento en quien las lea, si es que alguien lo hace. Padre bobo, de los que siempre dijeron no querer hijos, ahora enamorado, o más bien hipnotizado por su hija. Y marido apasionado, enamorado como el primer día, o más incluso, agradecido por haber encontrado la paz y el amor de su vida en la misma persona.