Saturation in the world of color is defined as the intensity of a specific hue based on the purity of a specific color. It is the union of a light intensity and the distribution of its different wavelengths in the color spectrum.

When you want to achieve a purer color, a single wavelength is used at a very high intensity. At the same time that we reduce the intensity of the light, we will be reducing the saturation.

If we expose a color to a high saturation it will tend to be a more vivid and intense color. On the contrary, if the exposure of the color saturation is low, it will be discolored. Without any saturation the color will turn gray.

Within the world of photography, saturation is a very important characteristic, as a rule the human eye is attracted to more vibrant colors. Through colors we can interpret a photographic image in one way or another. Each of the colors that we appreciate is converted into integral values ​​from 0 to 255. These values ​​are those that correspond to the primary colors, red, green and blue or also known as RGB.

If we want to achieve the pure blue color, its digital value will correspond to 0.255. To obtain the pure red color we will take into account that its value in digital format is 255, 0, 0. And finally to achieve the pure green color its digital value will correspond to 0, 255, 0. As these colors are not part of colors mixed and also have the maximum RGB value of their color, they are said to be in the highest saturation.

Sometimes varying the saturation of the colors in an image with the help of editing tools is essential to achieve impressive results. Especially if the captured image is lacking in intensity.

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