The search for new fans has become an additional task for the administrators of the Facebook pages. There are different strategies to achieve this goal, some slower and others much more immediate.

Today we even have the possibility of buying those fans at super reduced prices, about 0.05 euros per fan . This is one of the ways to increase our number of fans. However, as you can deduce, these fans are not going to be of quality, if not the opposite, surely many will be false profiles and many others will be people who are not really interested in your contents. That if, they will make bulk.

As a recommendation to get fans almost immediately and with a minimum of quality, I would bet on the Raffles, there are different platforms to create facebook raffles and get real fans. Depending on the product you draw you will get more or less fans. The raffles will also help us to quickly spread our page and make a mark during the time that the raffle is active. Many of these platforms allow you to select the requirements for participation. The first one will always be to follow the sponsor on Facebook, and from here you can indicate that to participate they must also publish the raffle on their wall. This option will undoubtedly increase dissemination.

But… where to create these draws? The best thing is to use one of the platforms designed for this type of action, in this way we will ensure that we reach a large number of participants by taking advantage of the database and the thousands of fans that the platform has. Among the best known are Easy Promos, Sorteamus, Totombola and of course which offers excellent management and service.

What are you waiting for to make your community grow? 😉

Soñadora e idealista pero con los pies en el suelo y con una visión muy clara de la realidad. Quizás sea toda una paradoja en sí misma que traduce en una insana curiosidad por todo lo que la rodea.

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