Any of the social networks that coexist with us today have similarities between them and the Stories are the most coincident.

  • Snapchat
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Whatsapp
  • Twitter…

All those mentioned above have this function, except Twitter that has already eliminated it. But specifically, what are Stories? Well, the Stories are neither more nor less than audiovisual content that has a certain duration, after which, they disappear from the social network. It is fair to remember and remember that Instagram copied the concept of Stories to Snapchat and captured the concept of TikTok to make its “Reels”. For this reason, Stories are a common denominator in social networks.

Now the time has come for TikTok, a social network created by the Chinese company Byte Dance in 2016. With it you can create, edit and upload one-minute musical selfies, being able to apply various effects and add a musical background to them. It is one of the fastest growing entertainment platforms, currently has 800 million active users per month around the world. TikTok has surpassed more than 2 billion downloads between Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store in recent years. Its magic comes from the simplicity of editing and sharing short videos with effects, texts and songs. In the vast majority of cases, these videos are funny and full of humor. Also noteworthy are the videos in which challenges, dance choreographies or those in which users can imitate singers are proposed. Thanks to this growth, versions of their short video content began to appear on different social networks. And it is that who has not heard of this part of the Reels of Instagram or the Shorts of YouTube for a while?


The announcement

Social networks are constantly updating and changing; while Twitter announces that it eliminates the “Fleets” function, TikTok adds this tool to its platform. The name chosen for the new function is “TikTok Stories” and the handling is very similar to that of other applications such as Instagram or Snapchat.

On August 4, Matt Navarra, one of the best-known and most sought-after consultants on social networks, announced this news for TikTok through a tweet. He posted some screenshots of what the ‘Stories’ will look like on TikTok. In that same publication, you can browse a video that shows the main characteristics of the TikTok Stories.

Navarra received a TikTok statement on Twitter in which they literally state that:

  • We are always thinking of new ways to add value to our community and enrich the TikTok experience. We are currently experimenting with ways to give creators additional formats to bring their creative ideas to life for the TikTok community.

Matt Navarra TikTok Stories

TikTok subscribes that it is a new way to interact with fans. The goal is for content creators to bond with their followers more truthfully.


How TikTok Stories works

Thanks to the aforementioned publications by Matt Navarra on Twitter, we can get an idea of how the TikTok Stories will work.
The launch of the toolbar will actually be very similar to those of other social networks, having a creation button. Through this button you can add effects, sounds and different natural characteristics of TikTok. The only difference from the rest of the contents of the application is that they will disappear after 24 hours. To access the Stories we will only have to click on the image of the profiles that we follow, exactly the same as in the rest of social networks.
With the implementation of Stories, the application will provide an alternative way for content creators to easily connect with their community. By offering a more specific channel it will not even be necessary for regular posts to be made.


What future awaits TikTok Stories?

Assuming that the future is uncertain and more so with regard to technology and communication, nothing can be guaranteed 100%.
There are many social media applications in which Stories have triumphed, but let’s not forget the case of Twitter that we mentioned earlier. In that mega-giant of the networks this tool has not worked and they have decided to eliminate the “Fleets” due to the rejection of the users. Less than a year has lasted on the platform since it was launched. The main reason is that it has not produced the results that the company wanted to attract new users.

Now all that remains is to wait, wait to see how it evolves and see how it is supported on the platform by users. Taking into account that it is TikTok and that it is an exclusive application for audiovisual content, we do not have to think that it will not be successful. Apart from Twitter, we must recognize that in the rest of social networks the Stories have achieved a great reception. So only time will tell.

Bibliotecaria frustrada que un día descubrió el potencial que tenía de creatividad y después de varios cursos de marketing decidió explotarlo en redes sociales y terminó haciéndose community mánager de diferentes empresas y artistas. Le encanta el silencio pero es melómana hasta la médula, puro espíritu de contradicción. Fanática de libros, películas y series de terror. Vive mirando una estrella, siempre en estado de espera.