Last week, between March 22 and 23, the local search algorithm’s volatility tracking tool Bright Local RankFlux detected a spike in activity. This is indicative of an update to Google’s local search algorithm. In the following graph we can see the evolution of the algorithm:


Relationship to the “Vicinity Update”

According to the analysis of some SEO experts, this new update of the local search algorithm seems to be related to the Vicinity Update, an update of the local algorithm that took place during the past month of November 2021 and that Google ended up confirming.

This update started on November 30 and had a significant peak on December 8. And, it received the popular name of Vacinity Update (Update of Neighborhood), because its greater impact came determined by the proximity.

In 2016 Google had already published an update that increased the proximity factor. But more and more businesses avoid this factor by positioning themselves far from their headquarters. The November 2021 Local Search Update arrived to close this cycle, hardening the proximity factor.

Another feature of this update was the devaluation of the impact of keywords in the name of the business. Companies with keyword-rich names that commanded an entire market, and never should have, experienced huge declines.

Well, apparently this new update is affecting, precisely, in this last aspect, that of companies with trade names rich in keywords and regularizing the situation again.

As usual, from the Somos Sinapsis SEO department we will continue to monitor the fluctuations of the Google algorithm and we will be aware of any possible variation.

Francesc es el responsable de Content Marketing de Sinapsis. Con más de diez años de dedicación al copywriting ha acumulado una gran experiencia en diversos temas aunque su mayor pasión sigue siendo el marketing online. Friky de corazón, ha encontrado en el SEO una nueva forma de seguir "jugando".