In recent years, videos have seen an increase in popularity. The channel becomes a wonderful vehicle of expression for companies. A format where you can display your products while drawing cooperative relationships, bonds of trust that create lasting bonds.

You just have to observe the amount of new options that are periodically included in the different social platforms. The results confirm that videos on Facebook Ads can enhance interaction with the user, generate more visits to the website and increase sales volume. Video content becomes an essential strategy within advertising.

According to data from the National Telecommunications and Information Society Observatory (ONTSI), in Spain it is estimated that almost 60% of consumers make purchases from brands they know through social networks. Therefore, today we can say that videos on Facebook Ads drive conversions.


If a picture is worth a thousand words, is a video worth a million?

Humans are visual beings. While we only remember 20% of what we read, we retain 80% of what we see in our memory. What is the mystery? The brain is biologically programmed to perceive the environment that surrounds us frame by frame. With a processing capacity up to 60,000 times more agile than texts, videos capture the user’s attention quickly.

The recent Facebook report in collaboration with Analytic Partners and The Lab highlights the success of video within the advertising field. The analysis confirms that video ads have a higher return on investment, the total amount of profit resulting from the investments made in each of the campaigns. Under this premise, it is determined that each dollar invested generates 39% of income. This figure rises when elements such as a clever script or a careful production are inserted into the formula. These components lie directly in the quality of the content. Facebook reveals that the total effectiveness is configured as 70% creativity and 30% management, that is, duration, site where it is located and time of publication.

The research findings have led to a series of guidelines to design the perfect video campaign, without dying in the attempt. At Somos Sinapsis we tell you all of them so that you can develop all your talent in your next campaign.


Facebook Ads: The keys to Zuckerberg

Make the brand stand out from the start

Highlight the brand image from the beginning of the video, the flow of information within social networks has an accelerated pace. Starting with a short, welcoming cover letter will appeal to your target audience. If you manage to captivate the attention of the navigator in these first seconds, they will focus on your message.

A single idea

Expressing a single main idea increases the success of understanding the message. Keeping communication focused on a single request eliminates interference, as well as decreases the likelihood of confusion or misinterpretation by the viewer.

Highlight the product

Like the brand, the product should highlight the openness of the advertising. It should be the heart of the ad body. Do not lose sight of the final intention, promotion and marketing.

Adapted to mobile devices

The smartphone has become the most widely used means of surfing the internet. Produce your designs in the established formats.

Direct communication

The importance of clarity of words is underlined. A precise, brief and concrete message that can reach the user directly. No barriers. No interference. Likewise, it is essential to cause the greatest impact in the shortest possible time. Facebook breaks with the traditional narrative structure of introduction, middle and end. To start the story at the most intense moment in history.

Visual impact

Bright colors and zooms are the kings of the scene. The details that generate visual impact have a great power of attraction.


The good, if it is brief, twice good. The social network has released data on return on investment where it is explained that short-format videos generate greater engagement. Although the standard duration is set to about 15 or 30 seconds, alienation with the aim of the campaign is recommended. Longer videos are effective in building emotional connections, while shorter videos optimally focus demand for action.


The combination of movements in the entrance of the ad manages to attract the attention of the audience. Dynamically changing scenes, colors, or backgrounds elevate the viewer’s excitement.


There are many occasions that we take advantage of public spaces to connect to social networks. For this reason, it is crucial that the writing of the story can be understood without sound.

Entusiasta de la cultura en general. Apasionada de la literatura. En su mundo, ciencias y letras van de la mano. Creativa, resolutiva y en constante aprendizaje. Cinéfila de corazón, le encanta pasar el tiempo descubriendo nuevos metrajes. Ahora le ha tocado el turno al Marketing Online