The proxy server refers to the computer that can be connected as an interface between two computers or networks. It acts as an intermediary receiving and sending requests with its own IP address to another network, filtering all packets. Also you can cloak the IP address with them.
When we connect to the internet, our browser first connects to the proxy which will redirect us to the website we want. It is like an authorization so that we can take an action on our behalf in a virtual way. Instead of communicating directly with a website, the proxy acts as a link to process that relationship for us.

What does a proxy server do?

As they act as intermediaries, proxy servers perform a number of very useful functions for users. Among all these functions we can highlight the following.

  • Safety. They improve security by making network users anonymous, since we are hidden behind the proxy’s IP address.
  • Firewall. This system makes it possible to act as a barrier between the internet and a network. The firewall prevents unwelcome access to a network. It is absolutely necessary to install a firewall that can intercept web traffic and decide whether to pass or block.
  • Content filtering. A proxy can act as a content filter and block unwanted outbound traffic. By configuring the proxy server with content filters, companies prevent their employees from accessing certain blocked web pages from work.
  • Override content filters. If we find a website blocked from favorites, we can override that filter. For this we will check that access to the personal proxy server or web proxy used has not been blocked. If so, we will be able to access with the websites that we want.
  • Shared connections. With a single internet connection you can use a proxy server to have all the devices connected to it. Of course there are other options such as Wi-Fi routers.

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