The Header is made up of the set of elements that we place at the beginning of a page. This heading is usually the logo, company name or contact details. As it is the first thing we see on a website, it must be displayed in an orderly way so as not to confuse the user.

The header of our website will be everything we place with the <header> and </header> tags. A basic characteristic if we want to have the usability of our page is that the Header is the same throughout the web.


Elements that a Header contains

Some of the elements that a Header must have may be optional, but there are others that are mandatory.

  • Menu. It is essential that the web has a menu since it is the place where the user accesses to see the sections that the page has.
  • Logo. Another of the mandatory elements is the logo of our brand, properly placed in our header, we will make it easier for users to recognize us.
  • Contact. We will also place in the header our contact information, address, telephone, email, everything that facilitates the user’s contact with the company.
  • Social media icons. If our brand has a page or profile within social networks, we will place the corresponding icons in the header to make them more visible.
  • Languages. If our website is translated into several languages, we will place icons to display the information in different languages. The most used icon are the flags that determine the language and are easily recognizable.
  • Search Engine. It is added to search for specific information within the same page. The most used icon for this type of search is a magnifying glass.
  • Call to action button. With this button that has to be super visible it will be with which we can exchange information by user data, Sign up here, Sign here, etc …

Bibliotecaria frustrada que un día descubrió el potencial que tenía de creatividad y después de varios cursos de marketing decidió explotarlo en redes sociales y terminó haciéndose community mánager de diferentes empresas y artistas. Le encanta el silencio pero es melómana hasta la médula, puro espíritu de contradicción. Fanática de libros, películas y series de terror. Vive mirando una estrella, siempre en estado de espera.