A picture is worth a thousand words: this phrase is well known to everyone, but sometimes we forget its importance. When it comes to social media, images play a vital role, and you need to take care of their format as much as the text that often accompanies them. Especially if it is a page that represents a company or brand: pay attention, because small details speak volumes.

For this reason, it is advisable to publish only carefully designed images in sizes that favour the company’s image, which will have a positive impact on the user’s trust.

Because sometimes size does matter. And in the case of images on social networks, it is so important that it is worth dedicating an article to find out the recommended parameters in each case. Let’s take a look at them.


Recommended measures for images on Facebook


  • Profile picture: square format with dimensions of 170 × 170 pixels for computers. On smartphones it will be displayed in 128 × 128 px.
  • Cover photo: recommended size is 851 × 315 px.  The Facebook cover photo will be displayed with a size of 820 x 312 px. on computers, and 640 x 360 px. on mobile devices.
  • Facebook cover video: 1250 x 312 pixels and a duration of 20-90 seconds.
  • Event cover: size 1200 x 628 px.
  • Post images: if they are shared, they must be 1,200 x 630 px. When accompanied by a shared link, the recommended size is 1,200 x 630 px. Other image formats for Facebook posts are 1,080 x 1,080 px for video and 1,080 x 1,920 px for stories.



In format on Instagram



  • Profile photo: the recommended size is a minimum of 320 x 320 pixels, always with the highest resolution possible.
  • Square photo: 1,080 × 1,080 px. is the recommended size, and the maximum allowed is 2080 x 2080 pixels (but in the feed they will appear in size 510 x 510 px).
  • Vertical photo: 1,080 × 1,350 px.
  • Horizontal photo: 1080 × 566 px.
  • Size for Instagram Stories: 1080 x 1920 px. is the correct size, although it depends on the device on which the image is displayed, as each storie adapts to the resolution of the device.
  • Size of videos: maximum duration of 60 seconds and a size of 640 x 640 px.
  • IGTV: minimum resolution of 720 px. If 10 minutes or less, the maximum file size must be 650 MB, and up to 60 minutes, 3.6 GB. The file format must be MP4, with a cover image of 420 x 654 px. The maximum length of the video, when uploaded from a mobile phone, shall only be 15 minutes.



Images on LinkedIn



  • Profile picture: 400 × 400 px, from a minimum size of 130×130 pixels.
  • Profile header size: 1,584 × 396 px.
  • Company logo size: 300×300 px.
  • Cover photo size for company pages: 1128 x 191 px.
  • Post image: 520 x 320 1,200 x 627 px.
  • Post with link: images to be used with 1200 x 627 px.
  • Images for sponsored content: 1,200 x 627 px.



Pinterest: the size of your images


  • Cover image: 16:9 aspect ratio and 800 x 450 px.
  • Pins: 1,000 x 1,000 px, with an aspect ratio of 2:3.
  • Board image. Must be 1,000 x 1,000 px. 



  • Profile picture: size no smaller than 20 x 20 px.
  • Video size: 1,080 x 1,920 px.




  • Profile picture: Must measure 400 × 400 px. (or 200 x 200), with a weight limit of 2MB.
  • Cover photo: 1,500 × 500 px. (or 1024 x 280) in width and height respectively, and a maximum image weight of 5MB.
  • Tweets with image: 1,600 × 900 px. (5MB maximum image weight: .JPG, .PNG and GIF).
  • With image and link: minimum size 120 x 120 px.
  • Tweet Card: 800 x 800 px. for square size and 800 x 418 px. to display a horizontal image.



Profile picture: 800 x 800 px. and 4 MB maximum.

JPG, GIF (not animated), BMP or PNG format.

Cover photo: 2,048 × 1,152 px, and a maximum size of 6 MB.

YouTube thumbnail size: 1 280 × 720 px. Minimum width 640 px. and weight limit 2 MB.

Advertisements: in video format the size of 1,920 × 1,080 px; in horizontal display ads, size 300 × 600 px.

Video watermark image: minimum 150 × 150 px, in JPEG, PNG, GIF (not animated) or BMP and maximum 1 MB.

Videos: be in the highest possible resolution: minimum 1280 x 720 px.



Lectora voraz desde que era niña, aprendí pronto a contemplar el mundo con la mirada entre curiosa y soñadora de quienes aman los libros.