Conversion represents that magical moment in which the user performs the key action that we have set as a goal. We understand as “action” the realization of that objective that we have established a priori, that is, to achieve a certain number of sales, newsletter subscriptions, visits to specific content or to the blog in general.

Each company, online store or blogger has different objectives set depending on their activity and, therefore, the desired conversion rate varies from one online project to another.

This conversion rate is the most important measure to analyze the success of an online marketing campaign. The conversion of visitors into leads (sales, subscribers, content readers) is a data of much more value than obtaining only generic figures on the web traffic generated in an ecommerce, blog or web page.

Brands are now able to reach millions of users with personalized, two-way communications, regardless of the size of the company. The Internet allows firms to keep their business open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, advertise at a lower cost or more easily and effectively quantify investment in promotional campaigns.


How can you convert Internet users into potential consumers?

But the challenge has not changed. How can you convert Internet users into potential consumers? These are the keys to attracting and increasing the client portfolio through new technologies:

  • Create a good navigation architecture. One of the most important components that intervenes when a visitor becomes a customer is the division of the information structure. Is the data offered by your website found in an intuitive way? Is the portal easy to navigate? Are the categories predictable and structured to facilitate user navigation? If your website meets all these aspects, part of your work is done. You have to bear in mind that Internet users flee from incomprehensible and difficult-to-access web pages. The simpler they are for the general public, the more likely users will enjoy browsing your space. How many times do we reach the bottom of a page with the intention of buying and we have to waste time looking for where the product we have selected is.
  • Develop campaigns for consumers, now also “prosumers”. The consumer is now also a “prosumer” (content generator) and knowing what he says about the company on the Internet will also help detect errors and respond accurately. It is convenient to interact with him and ask him what he thinks. It could even be beneficial to design campaigns specifically focused on those more professional profiles, such as the so-called influencers.
  • Create a modern, current and functional web design. Internet users are more likely to make purchases on sites with a professional design; not only attractive, but also meets your basic needs: predictable structure, constant updating, internal search engine, clarity and quality of content, supporting images and videos, information about the company, contact section, etc. In addition, thanks to the web analytics tools, conversions will be improved by detecting usability errors.
  • Give prominence to content marketing. The art of publishing quality content and distributing it for free is done with the double idea of ​​building loyalty from current customers and getting new ones. In addition, it adds value to the company and is not intrusive (like traditional TV or radio commercials). Therefore, knowing what the audience we are going to address is like is essential. In 2016, the tools that are in charge of detecting aspects such as previous purchases, viewed campaigns, opened emails, downloaded apps, etc. will multiply. for companies to offer customers personalized and quality content.
  • Find solutions for all devices. Companies must take into account the new Internet access formats and adapt communications to them. Finding solutions for all devices and giving customer access by all possible means is vital. Having a responsive design is, therefore, a priority.
  • Use multimedia resources. To have an effective participation in social networks, it is important to use viral multimedia (videos, motion graphics, images or infographics that allow the viralization of information), publish in corporate and external blogs with high positioning and segmentation and write a newsletter. This will also help us improve search engine positioning and attract traffic to the corporate website.
  • Loyalty / reward the regular customer. Making clients is more complicated and financially expensive than retaining a client who has already trusted us. If you have been satisfied with your purchase, you will also be our best prescriber. You must establish ways to retain customers: discounts, gifts, etc. Once the user has already had positive experiences when visiting your page, it will be easier to convert them into an ambassador of your brand. You must create an active community of customers who talk about the brand, recommend it to their close circle and promote it with their satisfactory experience using it. To achieve this we can use satisfaction surveys that identify promoter clients, management of communities related to the brand, segmented email marketing and viral content.

It is vital to understand and face the most relevant aspects of Digital Transformation and Innovation: how new technologies affect the company, how to use them to obtain a competitive advantage and, above all, how to use them to get more consumers.

Francesc es el responsable de Content Marketing de Sinapsis. Con más de diez años de dedicación al copywriting ha acumulado una gran experiencia en diversos temas aunque su mayor pasión sigue siendo el marketing online. Friky de corazón, ha encontrado en el SEO una nueva forma de seguir "jugando".

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