SEO is constantly changing and evolving. In 2022, new algorithms will appear with artificial intelligence, voice search, enriched results…So we must be able to change with it in order not to be left behind.

The organic positioning in search engines or also known as SEO, is an effective way to attract visitors to our website without any cost.

Appearing in the first search results has become a challenge due to the constant changes in search engine algorithms, therefore, it is of vital importance to know the new SEO trends for this 2022.

SEO trends that we should not ignore

Artificial intelligence algorithm

Everyone is talking about RankBrain, Google’s artificial intelligence algorithm that can determine a site’s position in SERPs (search engine results pages).

MUM processing model

Another Google innovation for this new year will be the MUM (Multitasking Joint Model), which will be able to interpret and understand users’ needs. 

This new processing model goes beyond the well-known BERT system, as it allows understanding information in multiple ways: analyzing images, videos and text to provide more efficient searches.

User experience

In this new 2022, it is important to pay attention to the parameters that measure the quality of our website. Google’s official Core Web Vitals ranking has been updated 180 degrees, focusing on user experience as a key to positioning.

  • LCP (Larguest Contentful Pain), related to loading speed.
  • FID (First Input Delay), related to interactivity and responsiveness.
  • CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift), related to stability.

Voice search

Adapting the web to voice search will be a “must” for 2022. A large percentage of users use Google voice search, Siri or Alexa to find information about local businesses and shopping.


The popularity of video formats on platforms such as YouTube or TikTok confirms the need to increase the visibility of video content. If you want to attract new users, this trend will become an important bastion of any SEO activity.

Optimization for mobile devices

Although Google’s “mobile-first” indexing is progressing very slowly, according to Google, we must consider the mobile search experience when preparing content for our website.

Google Business Profile

Until recently, Google My Business was one of the best tools for businesses to work on local SEO. Now, Google Business Profile will be just as important.

Rich Content

Longer content now has a higher rating and tends to rank better. Articles longer than 3,000 words are shared by more people, which generates more traffic.

This seems to contradict the trend of people reading less, but is solved by using H2 and H3 headings, using lists and short paragraphs to break content into sections.

Position zero

The highest priority position in search results is position zero (Featured Snippet), which is the first and most visible position.

It appears in the first position and contains an excerpt of the information, the title of the page where the information is located, the URL and sometimes an image.

Ethical linkbuilding

Google penalizes link exchange tactics, paid links, guest blogging and other unnatural link building techniques.

Inbound links need to be handled differently, and high quality content needs to be created and distributed so that it is not seen as spam.

Jannik Romeu es Consultor de Marketing en Somos Sinapsis. Hace poco tiempo que descubrió el mundo online, pero cada vez se siente más atraído por esta área tan extensa por explorar. Al pertenecer a la generación Z, se caracteriza por ser multitasking y por pasar la mayor parte de su día frente a la pantalla (algo muy normal entre los jóvenes). En definitiva, ha encontrado un lugar donde poder encajar y crecer profesionalmente.