When we talk about SEO positioning, we must keep in mind that it is a constantly changing discipline, which forces us to keep up to date with the latest developments.

Also, Google uses more than 200 SEO factors in the ranking of a website and, of course, never publicly communicates what these factors are or their relative importance in the ranking.

Main SEO ranking factors in Google

Number of visits

The number of visits to the website seems to be the most important ranking factor. Sites with a lot of permissions have a lot of traffic, so they are more likely to stay there.

User behavior

User behavior data such as length of visit, number of pages per session and bounce rate also have a big impact on rankings.


Another important ranking factor is the number of referring domains linking to a given website.

Website security

Google has determined that website security (i.e., implements HTTPS) is important, but its impact as an SEO ranking factor is small. This study also came to this conclusion.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO factors are less important and cannot be considered as the main ranking factors.

Other factors to consider

Include keywords at the beginning of the article

An important factor to take into account is to add a keyword at the beginning of the article, in this way, the Google ranking is more important.

Length of the published content

Articles published with less than 300 words are usually not indexed. The ideal number of words is between 400 and 900 words.

Web page loading speed

The loading speed of a web page is a determining factor. Google recommends that the website should not take more than 2 seconds to load.

Keywords and their position

Google takes into account articles that include keywords in strategic places such as the URL, at the beginning of the article and in the H1, H2, H3 tags.

Bounce rate

Google takes into account how users interact within the website and how long users stay on the site. 

Poor or duplicate content

It is of vital importance to avoid duplicate content. Such duplicate content lowers the position of web pages when presented in search results.

More relevant information

What is SEO?

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, and includes any operation aimed at search engine optimization or search engine optimization. 

This is the process of improving the visibility and quality of web traffic in the organic results of different search engines.

What is search intent in SEO?

Search intent refers to the information that users expect to find in the content related to the keywords they enter in the search engine. There are different types depending on the method used by the search itself.

Jannik Romeu es Consultor de Marketing en Somos Sinapsis. Hace poco tiempo que descubrió el mundo online, pero cada vez se siente más atraído por esta área tan extensa por explorar. Al pertenecer a la generación Z, se caracteriza por ser multitasking y por pasar la mayor parte de su día frente a la pantalla (algo muy normal entre los jóvenes). En definitiva, ha encontrado un lugar donde poder encajar y crecer profesionalmente.