The meaning of naming is easy to determine, since its own term gives clues: it is a process by which the name of a brand is determined. What is no longer so simple is the procedure to achieve it, because more than something creative, it is a mostly analytical process.

Naming is based on a set of rules and criteria according to the structure of a specific brand, and we already know that a notable part of brands is intangible. Therefore, a successful naming or brand name process helps it to differentiate itself from the rest, also working on awareness and association with the values ​​that the company has set for itself.

Therefore, we can say that one of the most important assets of a brand is naming. Let’s imagine for a moment brands like Google, Apple, Amazon or VISA. There are probably other companies in the same sector that are equally reliable, but the trust and meaning transmitted by the commented brands is something else… That is having a good naming.


Brands that do not need an introduction


The highest aspiration of the naming of a brand is to ensure that it does not need presentation: its name will be indicative of what it is and what it represents. Naming defines a very defined territory, the one that belongs to that brand and that shows it as different from the others. The choice of naming is usually made based on some categories:


  • Descriptive name: they are the ones that position brands more easily, because they describe the business, what it consists of or what it is. Thus the consumer more quickly identifies the products or services of that brand. The problem may arise if the brand is expanded with a category other than the main one.


  • Abstract naming: they have a lot of appeal, and being made up words, they have the advantage of being unique. Of course, the brand will have to work to ensure that the meanings and values ​​of its interest are associated with it.


  • Abbreviations of a descriptive name: IBM, HP and UPS, to give a few examples, are some of the best known brands in the world, with a naming in the form of an acronym. These abbreviations in most cases are derived from their functional names, and are usually easier to pronounce and remember. On the other hand, they lack originality, they are somewhat cold.


  • Original or suggestive names: those that arise from the experience or sensation that the brand produces. This type of naming encourages expectations about the brand’s products or services.


The success or failure of a brand may depend on its naming, so it is worth not leaving your choice to chance.


The cocktail of good naming


We have already seen that there are several well differentiated categories, and your choice will depend on the identity of the brand, its essence and philosophy. But there are a series of characteristics that cannot be lacking in a naming: they are the ingredients of its success.


  • Differentiation: the brand name should be distinguished from the competition, avoiding suspicious (and unoriginal) similarities.
  • Memorization: the easier the name is to remember, the better. If you have to repeat it several times to be remembered, better try another name.
  • Loudness: the easier it is to say and the better it sounds, the better. It is preferable to refrain from names that are difficult to pronounce or that are easily associated with another word that suggests something very different, or not very pleasant.
  • Appearance: if it is important that the naming sounds good, it is equally important that it has good printed appearance.


In the end, it is about getting a naming that represents the history of a brand, which is unique. And that in the minds of consumers, associates and employees, that name occupies its own space related to a positive experience, something that we want to last over time.

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