A survey is a technique that is carried out by applying questionnaires to a specific target audience. These surveys provide information about users’ opinions, attitudes and behaviors.

Nowadays, there are many types of surveys that help companies to make important decisions. 

Phases of the project life cycle

For a project to be successful, several surveys must be conducted throughout the project life cycle. 


This is the first phase of a typical project life cycle, in which the team focuses on discovering the needs and preferences of current and potential customers. 


In this stage of the project lifecycle, stakeholders communicate to understand each other’s motivations and concerns. 

With the information gathered, the company will be able to establish the scope of the project and obtain the necessary resources to achieve success.


During this phase, a competitive analysis is conducted to understand the best strategies for effectively engaging customers. 


In this last phase of the project life cycle, several surveys are conducted to understand whether customers are satisfied with the product or service received. 

Types of surveys

Customer satisfaction survey

One of the most commonly used surveys by companies is the customer satisfaction survey, which allows them to quickly and efficiently measure the degree of customer satisfaction with respect to the product or service offered.

These are very common surveys. Customer satisfaction surveys will help the company to improve the business strategy, taking into account the needs and desires of customers.

Survey for potential customers

Surveys for potential customers are aimed at finding out whether or not potential customers are within the company’s target.

One of the main objectives of such surveys is to understand why the customer has not yet purchased the product. The most common questions that are used to create surveys for potential customers are:

  • What do you care most about in our product or service?
  • Did you hear about us? 
  • How likely are you to buy from us again?

How to achieve optimal survey results 

Redesign the use of surveys

Innovating the way you use surveys can make a big difference in terms of productivity, communication and impact.

Identify ideas and priorities

Executing surveys early in the project lifecycle will enable the company to confirm ideas and improve the product or service offered. 

Satisfy stakeholders

Surveys can help the organization improve the alignment phase of any project. 

To improve the alignment phase, you can conduct a quick survey and find out exactly what stakeholders want to know, what their concerns are and what they are most excited about.

Jannik Romeu es Consultor de Marketing en Somos Sinapsis. Hace poco tiempo que descubrió el mundo online, pero cada vez se siente más atraído por esta área tan extensa por explorar. Al pertenecer a la generación Z, se caracteriza por ser multitasking y por pasar la mayor parte de su día frente a la pantalla (algo muy normal entre los jóvenes). En definitiva, ha encontrado un lugar donde poder encajar y crecer profesionalmente.