Having a blog is a fundamental element to publicize the products or services offered by a company. A blog is a very visual platform in which to expose, in a synthetic way, the relevant information about the company/organization.

Any company that does not have a blog at its disposal is wasting an essential part of its self-promotion resources. Having a blog translates into more traffic and visits from users to the website. 

As a result, the possibilities of obtaining more clients who demand the service or product offered by the company will increase. In addition to allowing the published content to become viral and attract more people. 

Importance of the blog content strategy

The blog content strategy should be aligned with the business objectives and the overall content strategy. Business objectives should be the main driver of the content published on the blog.

With content marketing becoming the backbone of most companies’ marketing plans, a clear strategy has also become critical.

A written plan will not only increase the chances of success, but also save time wasted on the wrong promotion strategy. With a blog writing strategy, it doubles the chances of success. 

According to several studies conducted, 60% of organizations have an effective written content strategy, while only 32% have a purely verbal content strategy.

How to create a blog content strategy

An effective blog content strategy connects the blog to the company’s goals and products. 

The content published on the blog needs to be intentional and consistent.

A solid blog content strategy is based on just three elements:

  • The audience and their problems they seek to solve.
  • The product and how it solves those problems.
  • The content and how it connects the problems to the solutions.

Who will read the content published on the blog?

Before starting with the content marketing strategy, it is essential to answer the following questions: 

  • Who is the target audience? 
  • For which audiences is the content being created?

The use of different types of content topics and channels will help to reach a wider target audience. The content strategy can cater to more than one type of user.

What problem will it solve for the audience?

The product/service offered by the company should solve a problem for users. The content published on the blog coaches and educates your audience through this problem as they begin to identify and address it.

A solid content strategy supports people on both sides of your product. Also, the content reinforces the solution you are offering and helps build credibility with the target audience.

Measuring your content strategy

A fundamental part of a successful content strategy for blogging is figuring out what works and what doesn’t. 

For most content marketers, the biggest challenge is measuring results. Once you’ve defined a solid objective for your content strategy, it’s much easier to determine if the actions you’ve taken are working.

Many of the most important metrics to measure the success of such a strategy can be found in Google Analytics. For example, if the goal is to increase search rankings and get more traffic, Google Analytics can measure the exact traffic your blog is receiving.

Jannik Romeu es Consultor de Marketing en Somos Sinapsis. Hace poco tiempo que descubrió el mundo online, pero cada vez se siente más atraído por esta área tan extensa por explorar. Al pertenecer a la generación Z, se caracteriza por ser multitasking y por pasar la mayor parte de su día frente a la pantalla (algo muy normal entre los jóvenes). En definitiva, ha encontrado un lugar donde poder encajar y crecer profesionalmente.