Would you like to get 15% more qualified traffic on your blog or website when you post on Twitter? Well, a good way to achieve this is by using the appropriate hahtags. It’s proven, tweets with one or two hashtags are 55% more likely to be retweeted. And, incidentally, if they also have an image, they will increase even more.

However, Twitter is a social network, and as social it is, it means that it does not offer mathematical results. But the recommendations that we are going to give you below can help you make your tweets more interesting among your followers and, therefore, achieve more diffusion, thanks to the hashtags.

– Before embarking on the adventure without further ado, enter keywords in the form of hashtag in the Twitter search window to check if they are used, how often, what other hashtags accompany them … And, with tools like Klout, you can analyze the hashtags of the most influential accounts.
– Choose hashtags that have a certain daily search volume, but without being too generic. For example, if you are in a social media event and you only put #RedesSociales, you probably won’t reach the audience that interests you, because in addition to the people at the event, there will be more than a million and a half more who will be using that hashtag. So better put #eventname and, if you want, #RedesSociales.
– Not too long and not too complicated. A hashtag should not occupy too many characters, otherwise we can hardly write and put links in the tweet. And simple, so that it is easy to remember, write and interact with it.
– We must generate connection with users. That is to say, we are attentive to the use of the hashtag to RT the most creative interventions and thus nurture the development of the hashtag.
– Create a hashtag has to be social. Do not expect that once you issue it, everyone will use it. You must generate and concentrate content for your community around it.

Apart from all these tips, which we hope will help you, Twitter recently published a series of basic guidelines in the form of infographics, to help us promote ourselves through hashtags. A sign that perhaps we have not done too well … But, as the saying only wise men learfrom their mistakes: P

Soñadora e idealista pero con los pies en el suelo y con una visión muy clara de la realidad. Quizás sea toda una paradoja en sí misma que traduce en una insana curiosidad por todo lo que la rodea.

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