This is a recurring question between users and companies that start a new blog. To this question, you will have several answers: one a day, one a week, twice a month… The answer to this question will depend on what you can assume, the objectives you have set before and, of course, your audience.

Posting every single day is the best way if your goal is monetization, because you are not interested in gaining readers as well as visits. The more content that you post, the higher traffic volume you will get. If your goal is to keep users informed, as Mashable does, you will have to opt for a high rate of publications per day.

As we said before, your audience is also an important factor to have in mind. It’s possible that if they are professionals in the field, they will be very interested in reading your posts, but only for a short time. If this is the case, it’s preferable to publish fewer, 1 to 3 occasions per week, according to the time you dispose, and to be more specific about the information in a single post.

More than the frequency, the most important factor is the regularity. Usually it doesn’t work post two days in a row and then vanish for two months. The best way to prevent this is to plan the content and to spend more time with the blog, at least one day a week.

If you’re just starting a blog, the less you publish, longer it will take to get the results you are searching for. This means that, now that the vacation season is coming, you should decide if you really want to close the kiosk for the vacations or not.

Francesc es el responsable de Content Marketing de Sinapsis. Con más de diez años de dedicación al copywriting ha acumulado una gran experiencia en diversos temas aunque su mayor pasión sigue siendo el marketing online. Friky de corazón, ha encontrado en el SEO una nueva forma de seguir "jugando".