Yesterday, July 12, Google announced via Twitter that the July 2021 Core Update was already fully implemented. As you will remember, this great update to Google’s central algorithm began to be developed on July 1. Therefore, like the previous June 2021 Core Update it has lasted 12 days. Like all core algorithm updates, this July 2021 Core Update has been global, not being restricted to a single region, language, or website category. Before the June / July core algorithm update combo, the previous one was six months earlier, when the December 2020 Core Update took place on December 3.

July 2021 Core Update twitter google

In a first analysis, we could see a significant impact on July 2, then another impact on July 9 and, finally, a last shock on July 12. In the variability search algorithm tracking tool  CognitiveSEO , we can clearly see these variations:

July 2021 Core Update cognitive seo


Analysis of the impact of the July 2021 Core Update

In the opinion of most analysts, the impact of this July update has been considerably less than that of the previous June update. An example of this is shown by RankRanger that compares both updates with the last big update in December of last year.

This is the comparison between the July 2021 Core Update and the December 2020 Core Update:

July 2021 Core Update vs december 2020 core update

And this is the comparison with the June 2021 Core Update:

june 2021 Core Update vs december 2020 core update

As we can see, although the impact of both is greater than that of December, that of July is much less than that of June.

Regarding the impact by sectors, RankRanger offers us a graph of how the volatility of the algorithm has affected in four main niches: Health, finance, retail and travel:

July 2021 Core Update rankranger nichos

These data coincide with those offered by Semrush, according to which the most affected sectors have been Shopping and Beauty & Fitness:

July 2021 Core Update semrush sectores

Regarding our country, the main winner of these updates has apparently been Aliexpress, which has skyrocketed its positioning exponentially, followed by other major eCommerce such as Casa del Libro, Correfour, PcComponentes, Fnac, ManoMano, Amazon or Leroy Marline. Among the winners we also find travel portals such as Expedia or Booking.

On the other hand, on the side of the losers we find precisely travel sites such as Nautalia Viajes, Logitravel, TripAdvisor, Atrapalo or Kayak.


How It Has Affected Sinapsis Websites

Regarding the websites managed from Sinapsis, it is true that there is less impact than in other large Google updates. 43.8% of our accounts have not been affected by the July 2021 Core Update. On the other hand, only 28.1% have experienced an increase in their positioning, while the remaining 28.1% have lost visibility.

Francesc es el responsable de Content Marketing de Sinapsis. Con más de diez años de dedicación al copywriting ha acumulado una gran experiencia en diversos temas aunque su mayor pasión sigue siendo el marketing online. Friky de corazón, ha encontrado en el SEO una nueva forma de seguir "jugando".