Last Wednesday, November 3, Google announced via Twitter the launch of the November 2021 Spam Update. A new algorithm update targeting search spam that should be fully implemented in a week.
In its Twitter statement, Google explains “as part of our regular work to improve results, we’ve released a spam update to our systems. This November 2021 spam update should be fully rolled out within a week. We encourage sites to follow our best practices for Search.” And they take the opportunity to link to the Google webmaster guidelines document.
Initially, Google has not offered more information about this update to its algorithm. Therefore, we do not know if it is targeting link spam, content spam, or other forms of search spam. Google just tells us to follow the general guidelines for webmasters. But Google’s Danny Sullivan said spam updates like this one specifically target “content” that goes against Google’s webmaster guidelines.
Impact of the November 2021 Spam Update on tracking tools
Below, we can see how the different search algorithm volatility tracking tools have registered this new update:
Effects of the update on Sinapsis accounts
Regarding the accounts that we manage at Sinapsis, 53% have not been affected at the moment by the implementation of the November 2021 Spam Update. 20.6% have started to experience an upward trend. And 26.4%, at the moment have suffered a drop in their visibility. We must bear in mind that, being an update that will take about a week to implement, it is too early to draw conclusions.
In the SEO department of Sinapsis, we are monitoring any possible changes and we are awaiting any variation.