Just a week before Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Goolge officially announced the release of this year’s latest core algorithm update. The November 2021 Core Update. He did it through two tweets yesterday 11/17. A first in which its launch was announced in a few hours and a link was added to the usual document on the core Google updates of 2019.

November 2021 Core Update

And a second tweet two hours later indicating that, as is usual in this type of updates, its implementation will take place over one or two weeks.

November 2021 Core Update


A surprise update

Although it is true that we are all waiting for an update to the core algorithm. It is also true that it has taken a bit of a surprise. Google’s last major algorithm update was the July 2021 Core Update, preceded a month earlier by the June 2021 Core Update. Usually Google used to publish its main updates every 3-4 months. So a new update was already expected.

But the point is that Google had communicated on several occasions that it would not carry out updates of this type before the holiday seasons (such as Thanksgiving in the USA). This was confirmed in 2013 by Matt Cutts, one of Google’s executives, explaining that his intention was to try to minimize the big updates just before the holidays.

November 2021 Core Update

Or even while rolling out the Panda update, Google took a break during those Thanksgiving holidays.

It is also curious that, just the day before yesterday, John Muller of Google threw balls out on Twitter with a question about when a new update of the central algorithm was planned. Leaving us with the idea that it probably would not arrive until December.


November 2021 Core Update Tracking

Be that as it may, the November 2021 Core Update is here. It is too early to determine its effects on websites. For that we will still have to wait a few days. But we have seen some volatility tracking tools in Google’s algorithm start to fluctuate:


November 2021 Core Update serpmetrics


November 2021 Core Update accuranker

Semrush Sensor:

November 2021 Core Update semrush sensor


November 2021 Core Update serpwoo

Although we cannot wait for Google to report the impact of this November 2021 Core Update, from Somos Sinapsis we will carry out an exhaustive follow-up.

Francesc es el responsable de Content Marketing de Sinapsis. Con más de diez años de dedicación al copywriting ha acumulado una gran experiencia en diversos temas aunque su mayor pasión sigue siendo el marketing online. Friky de corazón, ha encontrado en el SEO una nueva forma de seguir "jugando".