Digital marketing is a powerful tool with which we can promote our business. The promotion of our brand in social networks is essential to achieve positive results.

Digital marketing strategies, not only have much lower costs than traditional media, but also their radius of action is considerably greater. But the problem is the high degree of misinformation that many customers have about the subject.

The truth is that, on many occasions, the blame for these deep-rooted and mistaken beliefs comes from our own sector. A sector in which evolution is constant. In this article we are going to talk about a few myths that surround the world of digital marketing.

On the Internet, everyone is a target audience

Having an online presence will give you the opportunity to reach everyone, and although your product or service may appeal to any audience, focusing your efforts on a specific audience can help you achieve your goals. If you try to reach everyone with the same discourse, you will undoubtedly be too “grey”, and that will not benefit your results at all.

In addition, you need to maximize the use of your resources. It’s not the same to try to reach 1000 people as it is to reach 100.

Having a website will make people come alone

Many people think that the internet is a shopping mall, and that just by being there and having a nice window display the customers will come in. But the problem is that it’s too big a mall, huge! In reality, no one is going to find you unless you invest time and money in standing out. Whether it’s through SEO positioning, advertising, directory submissions or a social media strategy.

If I have many visits to my website, my sales will increase

The fact that search engines place you in a privileged situation and you get many visits does not necessarily guarantee that you will sell more if you do not offer customers what they are looking for. Customers, when they come to your website, want quality information, content and services. It’s better to have 5 visitors who enjoy your website, are curious and really connect with your business, than 500 visitors who arrive and leave in less than 5 seconds.

Publish, publish, publish…, whatever it is

It’s the new fashion, to generate content without background or form for blogs or forums, to participate in any LinkedIn group without any sense… If you really want to attract your target audience and connect effectively with them you need quality content, original and that is relevant and interesting for your audience. The key is always quality over quantity.

Social media marketing is easy

Managing social networks at the user level is simple and can be done by anyone, but things change if what we want is to implement a digital strategy of dissemination. In order to achieve positive results, it is necessary to have a previous preparation and knowledge that reaches potential customers and manages to boost sales. This requires the role of the community manager, a professional who takes responsibility for managing the company’s social networks.

Social networks are free

Yes, in a way social networks are free, but their management is not. You can register your profile in as many social networks as you want and it won’t cost you anything. But if you really want to obtain positive results you will have to invest in resources and that implies time and money.

Creating a Facebook account is a guarantee of success

Many think that with a Facebook profile everything is done, that followers will come to it like flies to honey. But the reality is that being on a social network is no guarantee of anything per se and users do not follow you by magic. In fact, the opposite will happen. Without a well designed strategy, without updating your networks properly, your profile will simply remain deserted.

If I have a lot of followers I have already succeeded

Well, you don’t have to. Quantity is not always quality. Much better than having a large number of followers is to have a group of active followers who give life to the community, actively participating with their comments and suggestions. This participative and constant dynamic will be what really attracts new users and makes your audience loyal.

Buying influencers is a good strategy

If you think about it, if you can buy them, so can the competition, where is the advantage then? Besides, that doesn’t guarantee you a faithful commitment to the brand. What you really need is to identify the most active users in your social networks and give them reasons to feel committed to your brand.

Social Media is a transient trend

This may be the case. We may reach a day when Facebook falls into disuse or we get tired of tweeting, but what will last is the need to communicate and interact on the part of users. The 2.0 dialogue to share and establish online relationships will take time to disappear and we must take advantage of it.

We must be present in all social networks

Perhaps it would be ideal, but it is not an obligation and one must be realistic. The important thing is to establish our online presence only on those platforms where our target audience is, according to our strategy and available resources. It is absurd to pretend to be present in five social networks if we only have the capacity to manage two.

With digital marketing you get immediate results

One of the indisputable characteristics of the network is instantaneousness, but let’s see, this is not magic. Digital marketing is just another strategy for advertising and positioning of our company and the results will take some time to be noticed.

In Social Media there is no ROI

Of course it exists, and it can be measured! The key is to define the KPI’s (impressions, scope, interactions, engagement, etc.) and then record all the activity generated, helping you with the right tools, as well as an exhaustive analysis.

Social networks manage themselves

There are still people who believe that social network management does not require much effort or that there are tools that do it automatically, but no! Social networks require a lot of work and dedication: you have to constantly follow the activity that takes place in them and actively participate in them, generating engagement and adding value.

Social networks do not help to sell

Absolutely not true! The reality is that from the different social networks we can derive great volumes of visits. In general, they will not be the best converters but they do generate sales directly. In addition, in many cases they initiate the conversion process.

Digital marketing is only for big companies

Nowadays, this myth has lost much veracity because technology, programs and systems have evolved so much that we all need the Internet in our daily lives. Likewise, it has been proven that the campaigns of small companies are usually as successful or more successful than those of large companies.

Email marketing is just spam

Email marketing is a strategy that when used efficiently has one of the best returns on investment in the digital channels. The problem is that many people only use them as spam which has given them such a bad name. But if handled correctly it is one of the most powerful weapons.

Mobile marketing does not work

The percentage of users who access a site from a cell phone does not stop growing. The handicap is the large number of companies that have not adapted and offer bad usability experiences.

Mobile marketing does work, but only if we adapt the devices to the conversion. The companies that bet on working the usability and mobile user experience are having good returns.

Traditional marketing is outdated

Many think that with the boom in digital marketing, traditional marketing has become outdated. And they are wrong. What they don’t understand is that online strategies should only be part of a comprehensive strategy to achieve their goals.

Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages, and both must complement each other in order to join forces and achieve the established objectives.

Francesc es el responsable de Content Marketing de Sinapsis. Con más de diez años de dedicación al copywriting ha acumulado una gran experiencia en diversos temas aunque su mayor pasión sigue siendo el marketing online. Friky de corazón, ha encontrado en el SEO una nueva forma de seguir "jugando".