SEOquake is a composition of several very useful measurement tools depending on specific SEO objectives. This utility bar is completely free and is available to the main browsers. Through this utility bar you can view numerous SEO metrics along with other useful tools. It really is an extension that we can install in our browser in a very simple way and it will provide us with organic research data at the moment. It is compatible with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera browsers.

SEOquake utilities

Its main utility is to analyze the organic data of the competition. It will provide us with a large amount of information which will help us in the exploration and analysis of the competition. On the other hand, it will be very useful for us to get information about our own project.
The organic information displayed will be the authority of the domains and URLs that are analyzed, internal and external links, detailed knowledge of SEO On Page, etc. In this way once we have installed SEOquake we will get:

  1. Reveal the strengths and weaknesses of our competition on search engine results pages.
  2. Get an overview of the SEO of any page at a glance.
  3. Study the internal and external links of any website.
  4. Reveal the difficulty of any Keyword.
  5. Get exhaustive information about our links or link that another web page has placed towards ours

In conclusion, we can say that having the SEOquake extension installed will provide us with multiple advantages. It is easy to use and as we mentioned before it is free.
Within SEO it provides many factors to take into account, since it facilitates metrics and strategy.

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