An iframe is a one page document that has been inserted into another web page. Iframes can host any kind of content inside them and help to expand information through external sources or additional material of interest.
It is used especially to host videos in publications but also any other type of content that is complementary to the one you already have. It gives us access to a variety of options when we want to improve a text.
Its code is HTML and its space can occupy less than one line. The tag is <iframe> followed by the address of the content we want to link to. In this way, it will show us on the screen where the page is to be able to access it. Additional parameters are available to adjust characteristics such as the height or width of what is seen on the screen.

The application of iframes in web pages make it look richer, being more attractive and complete for the user. They are adjustable and easy to use so that digital media use it to increase information. They can be effective for generating quality content but negative for search algorithms since they penalize adding information through external codes.

Despite their bad reputation, we will find them everywhere without even realizing it. But you have to be careful because if you make excessive use of them we can cause our website to work slower. We will also try by all means to always link with secure websites avoiding future problems for our page.

Currently the use of iframes has declined a bit since today’s publications use more hyperlinks to increase their content. Although they are still present on the Internet, they show a clear tendency to disappear in the medium term.

Bibliotecaria frustrada que un día descubrió el potencial que tenía de creatividad y después de varios cursos de marketing decidió explotarlo en redes sociales y terminó haciéndose community mánager de diferentes empresas y artistas. Le encanta el silencio pero es melómana hasta la médula, puro espíritu de contradicción. Fanática de libros, películas y series de terror. Vive mirando una estrella, siempre en estado de espera.