HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is the protocol used by the browser to access a website.

It belongs to a set of protocols and HTTP is what has defined the rules for accessing web pages. It is the standard base of any website. Information is exchanged with it, but it does not deal with security in such data transmission.

You only make sure that the data arrives correctly through the request and response exercise. For this process to be completed, two users are essential, the client and the server. Therefore, when the user requests to enter a website through a search engine, the server will respond by opening the website that is being searched for.

How the HTTP protocol works

To better understand how HTTP works, we will explain it step by step, detailing how to open a web page.

  1. To begin, we will type in the address bar of the browser what we want to search for. com
  2. Then the browser that we are using will send an HTTP request to the web server that manages the site com
  3. The web server collects our HTTP request, looks for that specific file and sends us a header. This header through a status code informs us of the search result.
  4. When the server locates the file that we have requested and we request to receive it, the server sends us the body of the message after the header. In this way we obtain the content we required.
  5. Our browser picks up the file and opens it in the form of a web page.

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