Guest Blogging is the action by which we upload content to another author’s blog, whether professional or company, that would be related to our same sector. The purpose of guest blogging is to get a link in another domain in exchange for doing the same on our blog.
This form of blogging focuses on gaining a reputation as a blogger with external links to your own website. To understand each other better, it is like bartering content between two websites that belong to the same market group with the consent of both.

This type of technique is highly recommended to do because there are many benefits. With Guest Blogging we can add articles on a website generating extra content on topics that are not appreciated in the blog that is originally published. This will give the website to which we upload content the advantage that its users know different points of view of other professionals. It is also very useful for us, when uploading a post on that other website, to achieve greater visibility and make ourselves known to more public. Let us remember that the greater the visibility, the greater the possibility of getting new followers to transform them into potential clients for our brand.

Therefore both parties will be benefiting. We promote ourselves and the external page on which we publish gets different content from what is usually published, always within the same business theme.

Our web traffic will increase without having to use other types of techniques or strategies since we will depend on the audience of that other web page. We will also create professional ties between companies that will provide us with many options for our brand in the near future.

Bibliotecaria frustrada que un día descubrió el potencial que tenía de creatividad y después de varios cursos de marketing decidió explotarlo en redes sociales y terminó haciéndose community mánager de diferentes empresas y artistas. Le encanta el silencio pero es melómana hasta la médula, puro espíritu de contradicción. Fanática de libros, películas y series de terror. Vive mirando una estrella, siempre en estado de espera.