Google Search Console is a free service for Google Webmasters. It allows web page creators to check the indexing status of their sites on the internet by the search engine and to optimize their visibility. With this tool we can control, preserve and solve problems that appear on our website in Google search results. It will also provide us with alerts when Google discovers indexing problems either due to spam or for any other reason. This service will provide us with a perspective viewed by the search engine, making us mere totally objective spectators towards our website.

To sign up for this service, you just have to follow three simple steps. At the beginning, it will ask us to verify that no one who has authorization on our website has previously activated the service. Once we are clear about this, the next thing we will do is create an account and then enter the URL of our website. Finally, we will complete all the required fields with the requested data.

Google Search Console features

The main function is to check if the content we are offering appears in Google as a response to a key search. From that moment we will have tools that will inform us point by point about everything related to those results in the search engine. The other functions are:

  1. Verify impressions or visits of the different links that we provide to users.
  2. Request to include web links to the Google index.
  3. Check for any pages that contain crawl errors.
  4. Establish flaws in the visibility of the web that may be affecting the positioning in the SERPS
  5. Modify and renew the content, be it titles or changes in the URLs in the search display.
  6. Identify how, where and in what way we are being linked on other sites.
  7. Most visited pages and for which searches they position.

Francesc es el responsable de Content Marketing de Sinapsis. Con más de diez años de dedicación al copywriting ha acumulado una gran experiencia en diversos temas aunque su mayor pasión sigue siendo el marketing online. Friky de corazón, ha encontrado en el SEO una nueva forma de seguir "jugando".