It seems that the Mountain View giant awakens again. Just a few days ago we informed you of a Google algorithm update carried out last weekend with a significant impact on local SEO. And we just got an alert from the BritghtLocal tracking tool stating that just yesterday, April 29, there was a major update that again affected local search:

actualizacion algoritmo de google 28/04 brightlocal

Pero observando las diferentes herramientas de análisis de la variabilidad del algoritmo de Google, hemos podido ver que, justo el día antes, el 28, se produjo una posible actualización que afectó a todo el algoritmo de búsqueda:

SemRush Sensor:

actualizacion algoritmo de google 28/04 senrush sensor


actualizacion algoritmo de google 28/04 rankranger

Cognitive SEO:

actualizacion algoritmo de google 28/04 cognitive seo

The BrightLocal tool indicates that the largest fluctuations in local search have occurred in the sectors of:

  • Construction: with a 7.83 / 10
  • Real estate: 7.74 / 10
  • Financial Services: 7.72 / 10


With regard to the accounts we manage at Sinapsis, with both updates taking place in a row, we have observed an impact in all sectors. With 58.3% of our accounts that have experienced an upward trend after updates. 25% have maintained a stable trend. And only 16.7% have suffered a negative trend.

As usual, from Sinapsiswe are already working, analyzing the effects of these updates and establishing strategies to mitigate their effects.

Francesc es el responsable de Content Marketing de Sinapsis. Con más de diez años de dedicación al copywriting ha acumulado una gran experiencia en diversos temas aunque su mayor pasión sigue siendo el marketing online. Friky de corazón, ha encontrado en el SEO una nueva forma de seguir "jugando".